The presentation will cover basic examples for providing fire rated assemblies such as walls, columns, beams and floors/roofs, for new building construction. The examples are for demonstrating compliance with the...
Virtual – Group B Editorial Review and Group A Correlation – Cont Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 275 137 400 555 Passcode: uA9BX97B Dial in by phone...
Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 213 715 837 318 Passcode: Z8Wm6yy3 Dial in by phone +1 469-848-0134,,739591542# United States, Seagoville Phone conference ID: 739 591 542# 2:00...
The purpose of this meeting is to develop a modern updated International Code-based option available to those interested in an updated performance based code. Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your...
This web seminar addresses five misunderstood structural provisions in ASCE 7-16 related to foundation design. The following topics are discussed, including a presentation of frequently asked questions on the application...
This presentation will cover research initiatives focused around the sustainable development of infrastructure with the primary objective of appropriate water management, water efficiency, conservation practices, and their associated impacts. This...
A data center is a building or a group of buildings that house computer systems, telecommunications components, storage systems and redundant power supplies. They support IT and network operations for...
Discussion of topics for PMGCAC proposals Meeting Link: Join the meeting now OR Dial in by phone 1-469-848-0134 Phone conference ID: 914 374 938# 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM...
Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 292 549 521 570 Passcode: 6St7hk7x Dial in by phone +1 469-848-0134,,713350603# United States, Seagoville Phone conference ID: 713 350 603# 2:00...
Over the past several decades, there has been a continuous increase in human and economic loss from disaster events. The rise in disasters and their consequences is related to a...